Interview Series with Jashodhara Chakraborti

Introducing the Interview Series, where, every week we speak to your favorite creators, and learn about their work and how they are using our platform to enhance their community.

On our thirteenth blog in this series, we speak to Jashodhara Chakraborti.

Jashodhara focuses her writings primarily on translations and serialised content.

In this interview series, we speak to her about her creative interests, what she majorly writes, her favorite genre when it comes to reading, listening, and looking for content on social media, and her experience with the platform,, and much more.

What was your biggest expectation from when you created your account?

I wanted a repository for my translations on the net that would hopefully, grow over time and potentially pay me. As a person who among other things has worked in Tech, the idea of digital-first excites me. Scrollstack allowed me that freedom, that excitement.

I loved the fact that Scrollstack allows me to work with Indian languages and I plan to put out content in Bengali as well. I would say that that was a deciding factor. I have been held back by the fact that I type horribly slowly in my mother tongue, so I must speed up or find a solution to do this part better.

How helpful was in catering to the expectation?

It was extremely simple to set up and I am not the most technical person around. I also found Scrollstack very supportive of its users. I found that it is not the easiest interface to serialise stuff but very well suited for standalone things - one poem, one story, etc. - beads on a necklace threaded together by a single concept (or not!) works well here.

Once I finish The Illusion Game, I shall shift to this model of engagement. But I do love to serialise stories - I wonder if the interface can tweak a bit to make that bit easier. That would be a lot of fun. It was less responsive when I wanted to change my account details, however - I think the interface has to be faster there. Many creative people are absent-minded like me and careless mistakes are far more frequent among us than - shall we say - the engineers who created the interface.

I am tempted to try new things because of the ease - a podcast or a video - perhaps soon!  I also like the fact that I own my content and can republish it anywhere. It allows me to tap into my work here and share it freely.

What do you majorly write about?

On Scrollstack, I translate Tagore.

I translate, I write stories for Young Adults, and hopefully, I will have a book or two out for adults soon! I don't just want to write here, however, I want to play - with audio, video, sketches, music - everything that I can lay my hands on - so do stay tuned!

Tell us about some of your successful blogs? How did your readers react to it?

I don't know about successful, but some of my verses get a lot of traction if they are in the form of an image on other social media platforms. I must consider playing with that idea. And oh, a generous benefactor paid me a substantial amount last month.

With introducing new features with time, do you think that has contributed to the ease of creating content on the platform?

Oh, absolutely. I love to use it. It is easy enough to allow me to think in terms of innovation. That's a great start, I think.

Any suggestions you would like to give us as a team to focus more on?

Please make serialised content easy to read. I for one would love that - both as a reader and a writer.

What is your favorite genre when it comes to reading, listening, or looking for content on social media?

I am very eclectic, but I love Alan Watts, Guy Kawasaki and Scientific American as well as audiobooks. I look at a lot of recipes but make none of them. I am a crime story junkie, so that too. Gothic horror while rearranging stuff in my flat - my favorite way to settle my thoughts - is another favorite. I can't do literature on any of these. It has to be a book or a film/series. I prefer the book always.

You can also purchase her books on Amazon,

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