I'm Samy, it's my pen name but it is a mix and match of my first name and nickname. So I am from a Bengali family(Indian) and do not love Rasgulla. I am more of a gulab jamun person.
Currently, I'm pursuing an LLB degree. Hopefully, I can be a good advocate one day *fingers crossed*. Writing is one of my hobbies among many others. Whenever anything strikes my mind I just sit to write it down on my laptop or phone whatever is near my hand. whenever I want to escape reality, I just engross myself in either reading or writing. I am very much new in this field so please bear with me and my mistakes.
Any comments, suggestions, or reviews are always welcome but please vote and support me which I need the most from you guys.
My request is if I find out that anyone copying my creativity then strict actions will be taken against them. kindly inform me if you find out about it
If you are nice to me, I'll be nicest to you.
Thank you for your precious time. Love you guys.