Interview Series with Menaka Raman

Introducing the Interview Series, where, every week we speak to your favorite creators, learn about their work and how they are using our platform to enhance their community.

On our second blog in this series speaking to Menaka Raman. Menaka is a former advertising copywriter who now writes children's books and works in social media and communications for

In this interview series, we speak to her about her creative interests, what does she majorly write, her favorite genre when it comes to reading, listening, and looking for content on social media, and her experience with the platform,, and much more.

What was your biggest expectation from when you created your account?

That I would be able to create a space for myself on the internet where I could create and share content in different formats - audio, video, text - with ease. And that the content I did create would definitely be seen by whoever was following me, and wasn't at the mercy of an algorithm.
I've been toying with the idea of creating a website for writing for years now but every time I thought about it, it really seemed like so much work and effort! seemed like a great solution where I could have this space for myself on the internet that wasn't linked to a social media account. 

How helpful was in catering to the expectation?

It was definitely easy to set up. I didn't have to spend ages thinking about which template to use. Also, as opposed to other publishing platforms I have used in the past, with I can embed photos and other social media posts with ease. The UI is really simple, clean, and easy to use. I'm still growing a community of followers and honestly haven't focussed too much of my efforts on that, so most of the reads I get on my is through me sharing links on social media and WhatsApp.

What do you majorly write about?

I write children's books - picture books, chapter books, middle grade, and YA books - and when I'm not writing them, I am reading them. I also talk to a lot of other creators in this community. So my is a space where I hope to help more people discover great books for children and the people who make them!

Tell us about some of your successful blogs? How did your readers react to it?

I'm still new to and haven't hit my stride with creating content regularly. But two posts of mine that have done well are a review of Shruthi Rao's book How We Know What We Know and another piece I wrote for International Day of Women in Science, where I shared the process behind writing two of my books Ira Investigates the Invisible and Topi Rockets from Thumba. Both pieces were re-shared and tweeted by quite a few people and appreciated. 

With introducing new features with time, do you think that has contributed to the ease of creating content on the platform?
I definitely think that the more feature-rich the site becomes, the easier it will be for creators to make great content. I'm still hesitant about creating content that people need to pay for, for example, but I think I'll get there soon!

Any suggestions you would like to give us as a team to focus more on?

I'd love to find a way to discover other creators on - right now it's through the newsletter or tweets I see. Having a discover option based on what I write about/am interested in would be great!

What is your favorite genre when it comes to reading, listening, or looking for content on social media?

Personal narratives, gender, development, humor, books, and dog videos!

So creators around the world, what are you waiting for? Start creating, and earning from your fans, followers, and friends -'s got you covered. Join us and get featured as one of the top creators in the Interview Series. 

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