Interview Series with Vijayendra Mohanty

Introducing the Interview Series, where, every week we speak to your favorite creators, learn about their work and how they are using our platform to enhance their community.

On our third blog in this series we speak to Vijayendra Mohanty.

Vijayendra writes about contemporary Indian society and culture. He has been writing for years now and his articles have been read and shared by thousands of people on Twitter, Instagram, by way of my email newsletter, and his podcast.

In this interview series, we speak to him about his creative interests, what does he majorly write, his favorite genre when it comes to reading, listening, and looking for content on social media, and his experience with the platform,, and much more.

What was your biggest expectation from when you created your account?

I wanted a place to share my writings and have a way to receive contributions from my readers. I write a lot and a blog, outdated as it may be these days, seemed like a great way to keep a backup of all my Twitter threads and newsletters.

How helpful was in catering to the expectation?

Great! is simple and straightforward, not just for me as a publisher of content, but also for my readers and patrons. The follow button is easy to understand, email updates go out, payment options are well-integrated, and now even the URL to my blog is easy to remember.

What do you majorly write about?

I write about contemporary Indian culture and the forces that are shaping our future. This includes commentary on political matters, but also on the cultural undercurrents that feed that politics. I write about the problems of religion, about atheism, about oppressive and problematic systems, etc.

Tell us about some of your successful blogs? How did your readers react to it?

I have over 240 posts on my blog and it's hard to choose a few, but these are the ones I got most positive feedback for and they remain close to my heart. Some of my successful writings are,

What The Constitution of India Really is

India's social problems and the science-arts divide in its education system

Women are not goddesses

The Colonial roots of Star Trek

Sorry, but you can't write like me

With introducing new features with time, do you think that has contributed to the ease of creating content on the platform?

Yes. I think it is now a place where any kind of creator can make a home and income from. I myself mostly use it to share essays and links to my podcasts and videos, but even webcomic creators can use it as a nice place to share their work with their community.

Any suggestions you would like to give us as a team to focus more on?

I have been giving feedback since the earliest days of Scrollstack ( and most of what I suggested has been taken seriously. So much so that now when I try to think of feedback, nothing comes to mind. Just keep trying to make it the easiest way for a creator to make money and build community.

What is your favorite genre when it comes to reading, listening, or looking for content on social media?

In fiction, it is fantasy and science fiction. In non-fiction, it's stuff at the intersection of technology, storytelling, and society. I believe everything is political and hence the strings connecting seemingly disparate aspects of our modern lives need to be given colour and thickness.

So creators around the world, what are you waiting for? Start creating, and earning from your fans, followers, and friends -'s got you covered. Join us and get featured as one of the top creators in the Interview Series. 

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