How to sell your first story on

A lot of you writers on are here because you want to sell your story/e-book/poem to your readers. We get questions from you every now and then to help sell that "first" story. Here is a very simple step by step guide on how to sell your first story on

  1. Write your story. You will need to make sure you have a story to sell. You can write your story or upload it as a PDF or a document by going to Make sure you have a cover image for your story that reflects what your story is about. For inspiration, see

  2. Set a price for your story. You have to set an attractive price for your stories to make sure readers buy it without any hesitation. Siddhi who sells her stories at is an absolute master of it. She prices two chapters for INR 12 and thousands of readers have bought her stories. If it’s your first time selling a story, consider pricing it between INR 10 to INR 15. To set a price, follow the steps you see in the images below.

Click on Everyone to see option to charge for your story
Set a price for your story and hit Save
  1. Share it with your family and friends first on WhatsApp. People who know you will be the first ones to buy your stories. They want to read what you wrote, and they want to show their love and support for you. Getting that first person to buy your story will also encourage you to share it with the broader world. Share a link to your story on WhatsApp and ask your family and friends to buy the story to show their support.

  2. Ask the broader audience to buy your story. Share a link to your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter and ask everyone to buy your story to show their support for your work. Not only you might have admirers who will buy your story, but you will also get comfortable in asking people to pay for your content. This is an important differentiator between people who make money for their content, and people who don’t. 

Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out to us at if you have any questions, or need any help.

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