Shimmering Tides, Abbot Elementary, the Defence of Lucknow, and getting yourself a Command Mode using xplr: Here's what's trending on this week

This week, Bookstagram Musings writes about Tennyson’s ‘the Defence of Lucknow’. "Patriotic in taste and unassailable in spirit, the poem brings to a reader descriptive developments through the 87-day strife the Company Residency at Lucknow was involved in, with the jingoistic band of mutineers," the article states.

Meanwhile, Ariit Basu speaks about xplr , which allows you to map actions directly to key bindings in different modes, and so, it doesn't come with a built-in command mode. "With this knowledge, now you can define custom commands for every operation you want to perform in xplr, without having to remember which key is mapped to which operation," he writes.

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